Creative Brand Experiences For Social Media Using Zibster Landing Pages
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Tuesday, March 10, 2020
By Jeremy H.
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Build a Landing Page with your Small Business Website

Instagram is a great place to show your work off and link it back to you. With Zibster, our small business website platform gives you the necessary tools to make linking even easier. No need for Linktree! You have one with Zibster Landing Pages.

Create content that brings people to your website, your other social media accounts, articles about you in the news, promotions, and sales for events you are doing to drive customer interactions! Driving people back to your site not only sells your brand and services, but it helps you rank better on Google with better interactions.

You can keep your Instagram landing page basic with just a link to where you want to drive clients, but you can also make it a brochure for your clients. They get to know you fast and connect to where you want right away. We spoke with Stephanie DeFranco, from our sister company PhotoBiz, about how she uses the Marketing tool for her creative marketing on Instagram.

Tell us what you've used Landing Pages for?

So I use this particular page only for my Instagram. I was using third party landing pages, and they just weren’t working correctly, so the idea came to me when I was building an email page. Why couldn’t I make the landing page just like I would an email?

How does this encompass the experience your client will get from you? The graphics and the images just scream "you"! It’s like a mini brochure!

The info that I like to include on the landing page is the most up to date posts and articles that I want people to see. Being able to have the ease of clicking on a button link rather than customers trying to find the most recent information about me and my business, helps with navigating and keeps people focused on what I want them to see.  I can control what I want directly from my PhotoBiz design center on my computer. It’s super easy to update and I can change anything with just a simple click.

How does this help drive customers to you?

I’ve found that being able to have a link in my bio that encompasses everything I want to push out to people rather than a single page link has helped in getting more info out quicker and easier. Especially for those of us that don’t have the swipe up option in the Instagram stories.*


*NOTE: Zibster Marketing has a great resource for your email campaigns to become landing pages. So if you're sending 2,000 emails a month from Zibster, you also have the added benefit of sharing it to your social media pages. For Facebook, you could pin this at the top, and for Instagram, you use it as your link in your Bio! 

How to create a unique Landing Page in Zibster

Let's Build!

Building is fun and easy.  I selected some artwork and blog articles from the last month to highlight for customers.

Drag and drop your images in and then place them where you like to create hyperlinks on each photo and add some buttons too; that way, they don't miss an opportunity to click on a link.

You can modify the colors the button looks and pre-make your images and artwork in Photoshop.

Share It!

Now that your landing page is built, you have the option to share it. In the top right corner of the marketing builder, you'll see a Share Button next to Send. Click the Share Button, and you will see options to share, embed, or email a direct link. Copy this link.

Take this link to your Instagram page and click Edit Profile.  In the website section, paste your hyperlink and click submit.

Your new branded landing page will appear in the website section. Now users gain a better experience for who you are, your products and services, and updates. These look good both on mobile and desktop devices, so you only have to design it once!

That's It!

Now you have a very cool branded experience for your clients to engage with! Need help getting started? Give our support a call at 1-844-353-3412; they can assist you. Want to know more about what Zibster has to offer? Click the banner below for more details on how Zibster makes your business run better online from one place!

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