Learn How To Use Calls-To-Action (CTAs) On Your Small Business Website
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Tuesday, March 13, 2018
By Blake M
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If your small business website does not say something like “book now,” it’s just for show.


You want to do more than display your awesome work, you want to sell it! Imagine if you were on the other end here and you were the one looking for a real estate for example. What would you do? Shop around. Everyone does it, and your potential customers are doing it now.


“What can I do to get people to take the next step?”


Do more than just show off your (undoubtedly awesome) work – tell them to use your service!


Calls-to-Action (CTAs) are phrases that directly ask your audience to do something and provoke an immediate response. “Schedule Appointment Now!” is a common CTA that you’ll see.


CTAs are stronger with links that point website visitors further. “Book Now!” should point to your contact or scheduling page for example.


Here are some suggestions for a home page with a few CTAs.


  • The banner should open with an introduction and a “doorway” to the contact page.
  • Below the banner you could have image links with title/description text that should point further into the website for each service.
  • Consider putting a contact form at the bottom of your home page to make it as easy as possible for your viewers to become leads!


Of course, make sure that anything on your website matches your unique personality and branding.

Tags: SEO, CTAs
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