Creative ways to use Zibster's Email Automation
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Tuesday, October 12, 2021
By Jeremy H.
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There are tons of ways to use our new Email Automations feature. We’ve made it simple and easy to set up an automated email series by using one of our sample email series. The samples are designed to help you connect with your customers and encourage them to take action. You can use automated email reminders to encourage your clients to rebook you with the Scheduler, and make a payment on an invoice.

Automated email reminders take extra work out of managing your business so you can stay focused on other tasks. This new feature integrates seamlessly with our Invoicing and Scheduler tools. 

The applications are endless! You can also set up post-event or follow up emails to send 6 months or even a year after an appointment or payment. 

There are a number of email types to choose from, each with its own preset messages ready to be customized to fit your brand’s voice. They also automatically include useful auto-generated content. For instance, Scheduler emails include a link to add to a calendar and Invoicing emails include the invoice number, balance, and a link to make a payment.

If you want to send your own personalized message without the auto-generated content, you’ll want to use a General Message. This includes a space to add your own message, an option to include a clickable button. The button is a great way to choose where you want people to go next (e.g., a specific page on your website, a form, or even an event). 

In this article, we’ll cover some ways you can get creative with Email Automations and how you can use automated emails to create your own personalized funnels for your clients.

Scheduler Email Automation

A scheduler email automation may seem simple on paper — it is to remind people of upcoming appointments. It’s also important to think about unique ways you can connect with a customer after their appointment.

A standard Scheduler email series may look like this:

  • Email 1: Remind clients of their upcoming appointment, include a calendar link and information about what to expect during their appointment

  • Email 2: Remind them again 1-2 days before their appointment

  • Email 3: After the appointment, request a testimonial or review


You can incentivize your clients to leave a review after their appointment with the help of automated email reminders. You can offer a coupon or a gift card to leave a review (be careful about this on some platforms) or a discount on booking another service.

What you offer is up to you and how you want to stay connected with your customers after an appointment.

Here are some ways you can use the general message email type:

  • Thank you message

  • Request a review (with a chance to win option)

  • Book a follow-up appointment (great for multiple event sessions or appointments for hair, makeup, and other services)

  • Ask them to take a survey about their experience and what else they would like to see from you

  • Encourage them to refer their friends and family (consider including a form for them to submit information and earn an incentive)

  • 1, 3, 6, 12-month follow-up emails to check-in and ask them if they would like to schedule something

Invoicing Email Automation

The emails for invoices are the most straightforward. You can either remind your clients of an upcoming payment or if one is past due. The reminders can be to collect either partial or full payments. If you offer installment payments on an invoice, an email series could look like this:

  • Email 1: Remind the client of the first payment due (automatically includes the invoice number, total amount due, and a link to pay)

  • Email 2: Remind the client of the second payment due (automatically includes the invoice number,  total amount due, and a link to pay)

  • Email 3: If a payment due date is not met, send a follow-up email about the payment being overdue

  • Email 4: Once the invoice is fully paid, send information regarding the timeline of the product shipping or service being rendered


You may also wish to use the general message email type to further customize invoicing emails, such as:

  • Thank you message

  • Request a review (with a chance to win option)

  • Ask them to take a survey

  • Encourage them to refer friends and family (consider including a form for them to submit information and earn an incentive)

  • Promote other services and packages

These are just a handful of creative ideas you can do with our Email Automations. You can keep the conversations and touchpoints with clients going well after an appointment and invoice even after you have been paid. You just have to think about how you’d like to customize each experience. 

Want to know how to learn more about how to set up email automation? Check out these helpful articles from our Knowledge Base and feel free to give us a call at 1.844.353.3412 or log in to chat with us today!

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