3 Tips for making money online this year
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Tuesday, February 08, 2022
By Jeremy H.
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If you are a business owner, making money is likely always on your mind. And in today’s market, there is a good chance you want to do it online in a way that is easy and effective. Fortunately, (was that a pun?) Zibster gives you tons of features and tools to make buying online easy for your customers. In this article, we’ll highlight some options for earning money with Zibster ecommerce tools, including some ways you may not currently be taking advantage of!

Create effective sales funnels on your website

Is your website set up to capture leads? Not everyone who visits your website will immediately be ready to buy something. That’s ok. And that’s why it is important to set up sales funnels to capture contact information from potential customers. A sales funnel is basically the path someone takes to become a customer. The funnel can be direct, complicated, or nonexistent if not set up properly. 

Your website should have clear calls to action to encourage people to buy something or if someone isn’t ready to make a purchase, there should be other ways to engage that help you collect their contact information, such as by signing up for an email to receive a discount code or downloading a free ebook to learn more.

It is important to have clear goals about what you want visitors on your site to do. 

It is not enough to have images and a little bit of text on a page. You also need to make it easy for people to contact or engage with you.

Your website should gather contact information from sales leads while encouraging them to go through a path on your site using calls to action.


Learn more about sales funnel, click funnels and story branded website

Tell a story with beautiful images that represent your business

Studies have shown we process images faster than we can process text information. So your website should be filled with attractive and impactful images that show off what you offer! When making purchases online, customers are looking at photos as part of their decision-making process. Your images help build trust and establish rapport with potential customers.

The images on your website should tell a story, but they can’t do it alone. They need to complement the text on your website and entice people to read your website to learn more about you.

Remember your website is a place to show off YOUR PRODUCTS, YOUR SERVICES. Make your passion for your business come alive through the images on your website to help people who want to work with you or make a purchase from you.


Learn more about making your products look and sell better online

Sell through multiple channels: Use a custom form, send invoices, and much more

As you’ve hopefully noticed by now, there are many ways you can sell your products and services to make money through online sales. You have tons of options and Zibster makes it simple with our platform of ecommerce tools.

Once you set up products and services in the ecommerce area of your account, you then have the option to sell them through multiple channels: forms, appointments, invoices, and directly through an online store on your website. There are so many possibilities.

Zibster has your back when it comes to selling online and we don’t take any commissions from your sales (zip, zero, zilch). It’s your money, you earned it.


Check out all the ways you can get paid with Zibster


Note: While Zibster does not take any commission from online sales with our tools, you will still need to connect to a merchant to accept payment from your customers. Merchant service fees vary from provider to pro

Your website is a powerful sales tool! Is yours set up to get customers and take payments? If not, we can help!

To talk about online sales options for your business, give us a call at 844.353.3412 or visit zibster.com to live chat with us (current customers, please log in first).

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